Meta-epidemiology (Research on Research)
Current research topics in this research area in the Department include the following:
- Development of new methods to translate evidence into clinical practices, applying epidemiology, statistics and psychometrics.
- Minimally important difference estimates and methods: A protocol (Johnston et al, 2015, BMJ Open)
- Research on research methodology
- PROTOCOL: Exploring possible sources of bias in diagnostic test accuracy bey the QUADAS (Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies): a study protocol for a meta-epidemiological study (Dr Onishi)
- PROTOCOL: The placebo attributable fraction in general medicine: protocol for a meta-epidemiological study of Cochrane reviews (Dr Tsutsumi)
- PROTOCOL: Can we estimate the minimal important difference from the distribution-based method? (Dr Tsujimoto)
Completed researches:
- Redundant systematic reviews on the same topic in surgery: a study protocol for a meta-epidemiological investigation (Dr Katsura)
- Sequential NMA, guidelines and real-world prescriptions (Dr Luo)
- Systematic differences in effect estimates between RCTs and observational studies in meta-analyses combining both types of studies (Dr Kimachi)
- Characteristics and publication bias of clinical trials supporting immune checkpoint inhibitors and other newest anticancer drugs recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration: A protocol for a meta-epidemiological investigation (Dr Omae)
- Studies contributing and not contributing individual participant data (IPD) in IPD meta-analyses (Dr Tsujimoto)
- Prospective protocol registration and selective outcome reporting in recent psychiatry trials: new antidepressants and cognitive-behavior therapies (Dr Shinohara) and its Amendment
- Approximately how many patients do we need before we can be fairly certain of the treatment effect (Dr Tanio)
- Research methods employed in recent RCTs in China (Ms Tong)